Scandlines Procurement consists of two departments: Catering-Retail Category Management and Group Procurement. We support the business by making business requirements meet the market in the most efficient manner. We consider procurement as much more than cost, and for every tender we run, safety, quality, innovation, and sustainability are key selection criteria. Furthermore, Procurement supports Scandlines’ “green agenda” centered on multiple of the UN Sustainability Development Goals.
Before becoming an established vendor to Scandlines, we do a thorough assessment of your company. This so-called “vendor vetting” includes, among others, a sustainability & compliance assessment and credit rating review.
We want our cooperation with vendors to be mutually beneficial and strive for transparency and fairness in all that we do. For more details on how we work, please browse the panes below.
Scandlines has a digital agenda and as such, our procurement projects are executed on our digital procurement platform, Scanmarket. As an integrated source-to-contract solution, the Scanmarket platform carries numerous benefits for both Scandlines and the vendors invited to our competitive tenders. You can read more about the solution here.
Use of e-auctions and auction principles
Scandlines uses e-auctions as a method of determining winning bids in some RFPs. E-auctions offer transparency for both Scandlines and bidding vendors. In order for the process to be conducted in a fair and smooth manner, Scandlines observes and upholds the following principles:
- Only vendors who have passed our vetting process and thus deemed selectable are invited to an e-auction. As such, any vendor in an e-auction has a chance to win the business
- All information and training in the process is distributed evenly to all participants in an auction
- Scandlines honours the outcome of our e-auctions in accordance with our awarding principles. These always include price, but can also include non-price parameters such as quality, service, payment terms or contractual terms
- E-auctions are only used when there is true competition in a tender and least two bidders.
What we expect from participating vendors:
- Have a single point of contact participating in the e-auction
- Familiarize yourself with our tool – Scanmarket – ahead of the auction. We are happy to assist with any questions you may have or even host a demonstration
- Understand that all bids are legally binding and valid after submission
- Engage in the auction!
What participating vendors can expect from Scandlines:
- We ensure an “equal playing field” for vendors, providing equal training and information about the process
- Commitment to the e-auction. The winner of the auction wins the agreement. We will not entertain any untimely bids or attempts at influencing our process. Doing so will bar future participation in Scandlines e-auctions
- Direct communication options in case of technical issues
Participating in a Scandlines e-auction
Are you new to Scanmarket or do you just need a refresher in how an e-auction works? Below you will find YouTube links to the different types of auctions Scandlines uses:
If you have any queries, please reach out to the responsible event manager.
Compliance and ethics are important for us because we want to work with the highest standards when it comes to integrity, honesty and appropriate behavior. For this reason we have developed a Code of Conduct for our vendors which is part of our general terms and conditions.
If you have any questions with regards to Scandlines Compliance program or would like to raise any concerns or complaints regarding the adherence of laws and regulations relating to Scandlines, you can contact us directly: Email: Compliance@scandlines.comAlthough we prefer a personal discussion for any compliance concerns which you as a customer or business partner of Scandlines might have, we also provide the possibility to raise such concerns through our free whistleblower service:
Denmark (call free from Denmark): +45 70 30 00 43 (only for whistleblower reports)
Germany (call free from Germany): +49 (0)800 33 01 132 (only for whistleblower reports)
We will investigate concerns raised and take appropriate measures where we deem them necessary. -
Invoices for supplies of goods and services have to be forwarded to the Invoice address stated on the specific purchase order, or to the e-mail addresses in Denmark and Germany:
- Invoices for Scandlines Danmark ApS:
- Invoices for Scandlines Gedser-Rostock ApS:
- Invoices for Scandlines Catering ApS:
- Invoices for Scandferries Holding GmbH:
- Invoices for Scandlines Deutschland GmbH:
- Invoices for Scandlines Bordershop Puttgarden GmbH:
- Invoices for Scandlines Bordershop Rostock GmbH:
Questions regarding the payment to be addressed to our Accounts Payment Departments as stated in the list of companies.It will furthermore be stated on the specific orders if the deliveries are VAT exempted i.e. for vessels in foreign trade, or if normal VAT applies.
The invoices have to be properly marked with name of recipient, order- and position number.
Invoices for deliveries to German companies must be labeled with both Ust-IDnr. and VAT-number. Invoices for Danish and Swedish companies must be labeled with CVR-number.
The Ust-Id, CVR- and VAT numbers are shown for the respective companies – see the list
The following General Terms & Conditions are the default legal terms that apply to any delivery to Scandlines if there is no explicit, formally agreed contract. Note that any supplier to Scandlines must have signed a Code of Conduct. Read more about this in the “Compliance”-section, above.
Where nothing to the contrary is contained in the purchase order or otherwise agreed in writing between the Parties, these general terms and conditions (the “Conditions”) stated below are to govern all supplies of goods and services (“Deliverables”) from the supplier (the “Supplier”) to Scandlines, and affiliated companies (the “Buyer”).
Any general conditions of the Supplier, which appear as a part of the sales documents or elsewhere, are not valid and will not be considered. This shall apply irrespective of when these are presented.
Order confirmation
As valid confirmation of order, a written confirmation is required, e.g. executed by returning a copy of the Buyer’s purchase order duly signed by the supplier as acceptance of these Conditions.
Submission of Purchase Orders
Irrespective of what is stated under the heading ‘Order Confirmation’, both Buyer and Supplier accept, that purchase orders with binding effect can be submitted electronically. These Conditions shall also apply to purchase orders being submitted electronically. Should the Supplier wish to refuse an electronically submitted purchase order, such refusal must take place in writing not later than 3 days after receipt of the purchase order.
The Supplier is obliged to deliver the Deliverables in compliance with the conditions/descriptions stated in the purchase order. Deviations are not accepted without prior written acceptance by the Buyer. Deliveries shall be in accordance with INCO terms - 2020 code DPU at the delivery address designated by the Buyer. The date of delivery stated in the purchase order must be strictly adhered to.
The Deliverables are considered delivered when they have arrived at the place of delivery and are acceptable to the Buyer. All packages and documents pertaining to the purchase orders shall be clearly marked with the purchase order number, quantity of each item included in the delivery, designation name (ship name, BorderShop, etc.) Label notes must be placed on outside of the consignment on front of the pallet.
Consolidation of several orders into one consignment is not allowed. Pallet max height 170 cm. Pallets must have two layers of shrink foil for weather protection. Heavy boxes must be placed at the bottom of the pallet and light boxes at the top. All boxes must be suitable for transport. Delivery of pallets and boxes shall be done between 7:00-10.00 AM. In the event that the Buyer finds the Deliverables to be defective, in non compliance with the specifications as stated in the purchase order, or of a non satisfactory quality, the Buyer may return the Deliverables for the account and risk of the Supplier for full refund and credit for all costs incurred, including, but not limited to, costs for temporary storage, packaging, handling and transportation.
Force Majeure
In the event that timely delivery is hindered or prevented as a result of war, mobilization, import prohibition, fire, explosion, strike, lockout, natural disasters or lasting failure in supplies of energy (“Force Majeure”), the delivery shall be postponed with a period equal to the duration of the delaying condition.
Under such circumstances it is the responsibility of the Supplier to take immediate and effective steps to, with all possible means, to overcome the delay or to reduce the effects of the Force Majeure to the greatest extent possible.
The Supplier is obligated to notify the Buyer, within 24 hours of becoming aware of the Force Majeure, in writing, by advising reason and nature of occurrence and expected duration, as well as provide the buyer with satisfactory documentation of the occurrence. The supplier is obligated to notify Buyer when the Force Majeure actually has ended.
The Supplier is furthermore obligated to, on the recommendation of the Buyer, to make purchases and/or make such changes that may eliminate or reduce the delaying effect of the Force Majeure.
Terms of payment
Terms of payment current month plus 30 days after delivery and receipt by the Buyer of compete and correct invoice.
The Buyer may set-off or deduct from payment of any invoice, any liability owed by the Supplier to the Buyer.
Each Purchase Order from Scandlines shall be invoiced separately by the Vendor. Collective invoices are thus not permitted. Scandlines reserved the right to reject invoices not complying with these instructions.
Price conditions
All prices shall be stated in EUR exclusive of VAT, unless otherwise stated in the purchase order. All prices are firm and cannot be changed. Any adjustment of prices due to changes in the costs incurred by the Supplier and/or currency fluctuations, will not be accepted without prior written acceptance by the Buyer.
If the purchase order contains agreements on price and/or currency adjustments it is the responsibility of the Supplier to provide satisfactory documentation for such demanded adjustments.
Defects and warranty
The Supplier warrants that the Deliverables shall, for a minimum period of 24 months from the delivery, or 12 months from commissioning (acceptance test), whichever comes latest (a) meet the industry standards for the applicable Deliverable (b) meet the requirements set out in the purchase order; and (c) be free of any defects whatsoever (the “Warranty”).
If the Deliverables do not comply with the Warranty, the Supplier shall (at the Buyer’s option) promptly, at its own cost, repair, replace or re-perform the applicable Deliverables in accordance with these Conditions.
For new equipment or components, which are repaired or replaced under the Warranty, an extra warranty of 6 months shall apply from repair or replacement or within the normal Warranty period, depending on which period is the longer. The conditions for such repair work are the same as for the original delivery.
ln case the Buyer rejects a delivery as faulty, at the Buyer’s option, the Supplier has to replace the Deliverables and make re-delivery at the Buyer's request. ln case the re-delivery is not arranged without delay, the Buyer is entitled to purchase a substitute from an alternative source for the Supplier’s account and risk, subject to prior notification of the Supplier.
The Buyer shall have the right to examine the goods, materials and parts prior to taking delivery, which shall not deprive the Buyer of other rights according to this agreement, or reduce the responsibilities of the Supplier.
lf the delivery within the Warranty period shows errors or omissions, the Supplier is obligated to, without any cost for Buyer, at the Buyer’s option to repair or replace the faulty parts. lf the repair is not conducted within the time frame requested by Buyer, the Buyer is entitled to arrange the repair performed by an alternative source for the account of the Supplier, subject to prior notification of Supplier. Buyer shall allow a reasonable time for the repair or replacement, taking the nature of the Deliverables into consideration. lf essential errors and omissions continue to exist after the Supplier having instigated corrective measures, the Buyer may choose to cancel and request full credit.
If the Deliverables comprise services, which when performed do not comply with the Warranty, the Supplier shall at the Buyer’s option, promptly re-perform the services at no cost to the Buyer, in accordance with this Agreement and the applicable Purchase Order, so that they comply with the Warranty. At the Buyer’s option, the Buyer may also purchase substitute services from an alternative source for the Supplier’s account and risk, subject to prior notification of the Supplier.
The Warranty includes transportation cost to the original place of delivery. lf the Supplier wants the defective parts returned, the transportation cost is for the Supplier’s account.
The Warranty rights under this Clause are without prejudice to the Buyer’s other rights under these Conditions or at law.Product liability
EU (European Union) legislation together with the national Danish or German law (as applicable) for product liability shall apply to all Deliverables comprising products.
In case a third party takes legal action against Buyer or Supplier, in connection with goods and /or services being supplied under this agreement, the other party must be informed without delay.The Supplier cannot renounce responsibility by referring to his sales terms, tender documents, order confirmation or any other document, statement or incident.
The Supplier shall indemnify and hold harmless the Buyer from and against any liability or third party claim arising in respect of any products comprised in the Deliverables and which cause any death, personal injury, property or third party loss or damage.
The Supplier shall be obligated to accept suit at the court or arbitrating entity which is handling the demands for compensation against the Buyer, and which, by the Buyer, are said to be caused by the supply of the Supplier.
Disagreements and governing law
These Conditions are subject to Danish Law. The parties shall seek to resolve any disputes in an amicable manner. If this fails, all disputes shall be settled by the Maritime and Commercial High Court in Copenhagen Denmark.
In case the delivery does not meet the agreed delivery time, unless the delay is caused by the Buyer or by Force Majeure, the Buyer is entitled to be paid liquidated damages amounting to 0.5% of the total Purchase Order price per commenced week of delay, up to a maximum of 10% of the total Purchase Order price.
In addition, in case a delivery is delayed by more than 1 week from the requested delivery date the Buyer may at its discretion:
(a) cancel the applicable Purchase Order, without further liability on the Buyer to receive the Deliverables or otherwise;
(b) claim a full refund of any sums paid by the Buyer to the Supplier in respect of the Purchase Order; and
(c) order the Deliverables from any third party and claim any additional costs incurred from the Supplier.
Ethics - Vendor Code of Conduct
All Deliverables delivered to Buyer must be produced and delivered with lowest possible impact on environment and people and with people safety as highest priority. All Deliverables must be provided in accordance with the principles of the Buyer’s Supplier Code of Conduct, which hereby incorporated by reference and in its form as applicable from time to time forms an integral part of these Conditions or any other delivery agreement.
Please address all communication directly to your point of contact with Scandlines. In the case of more general queries, please email the following address:
For Catering: Stine Kruse Brændeskov, Commercial Manager Food & Beverages at
For Perfume, cosmetics and accessories: Mette Bartholdy Richardt, Category Manager at
For Groceries, Confectionery, tobacco, elektronics, petfood and toys: Allan Frydenlund, Category Manager at
For Household, beer, sodas and soft drinks: Claudia Pilemand, Category Manager at
For Wine and spirits: Torben Merrild, Category Manager at
Please address all communication directly to your point of contact with Scandlines. In the case of more general queries, please email the following address:
For Denmark-related enquiries:
For Germany-related enquiries: