Harbour addresses
Find your way to the harbours in Rødby, Gedser, Puttgarden and Rostock.
Unfortunately, weather and shipyard stays may mean that we have to cancel one or more departures. Find answers to your questions in our FAQ for cancelled departures.
If your departure is cancelled, you can use your ticket for another departure. You will be placed on the first available departure.
This applies to all tickets, even if you have a Low Price ticket, which under normal circumstances is only valid for a specific departure.
Of course, you won't pay any fees or surcharges to catch a different departure if the ferry is cancelled.
Yes, if the ferry is cancelled, you can use your Rostock-Gedser ticket for the Puttgarden-Rødby crossing.
In Puttgarden or Rødby harbour, just remember to go to the yellow lane where a staff member will check you in.
You'll get on the first available departure.
Of course, you don't pay a fee to change routes if the ferry is cancelled.
At the harbour in Puttgarden or Rødby, go to the yellow lane where a staff member will check you in.
Important: It is important that you go to the yellow lane where an employee can validate your ticket.
The machines in the other lanes cannot validate your ticket.
Yes, we will refund your unused ferry ticket if a departure is cancelled, and of course we do this at no extra charge.
Read how to get your ticket refunded in the next question.
You will of course be refunded your unused ticket for cancelled departures, but unfortunately this does not happen automatically.
To get a refund for your unused ferry ticket, contact customer service by email and provide your booking number. Your booking number is stated in your booking confirmation email.
Please note:
All our tickets are valid all day - including Low Price if the ferry is cancelled.
Therefore, you do not need to rebook to catch another ferry departure.
If you still want to rebook for a specific departure, you can contact customer service.
If a departure is cancelled, we will post it on scandlines.com under traffic information and departures.
In addition, everyone who has booked a ticket online at scandlines.com or in our app will receive an email about the cancellation. This email will be sent to the email address provided during booking.
Stay updated on current ferry operations at scandlines.com under traffic information and departures.
You are always welcome to contact customer service.
However, please note that we receive many calls and emails when a departure is cancelled, so you may experience a phone queue and longer response time to your email.
However, we will answer your call and email as soon as we can.
There is always someone in the harbour that you can talk to.
Drive to the yellow lane where there is an employee.